Gaby loves working and connecting with clients intimately in one-on-one sessions. She offers Intuitive Healing Sessions ~ a weaving together of Reiki, Tarot, and Sun Sessions ~ in person and virtually, as well as mini Tarot readings.

Intuitive Healing Sessions

Intuitive Healing Sessions are a soft, compassionate container for 1:1 single sessions. Each session is completely, uniquely, intuitively and divinely guided by the wisdom of your heart, body, and by our Spiritual Teams coming together in our sacred container.

This space is gentle, soft, warm, feminine, and compassionate. It is a landing point for you to be with what is, to hold a mirror up to your radiance and to what you are traversing, and to receive what is divinely guided for you in the moment. All heart-wisdom already lies within you.

After years of offering different types of sessions ~ Reiki, Tarot Reading, Sun Sessions ~ almost each one ended up being a combination of all three modalities and practices. In Intuitive Healing Sessions, we navigate with Gaby’s pantry of knowledge and intuition.

Each session has spaciousness for receiving Reiki, Tarot guidance, and designing logistics and rituals to support your visions into becoming reality. We incorporate folk herbalism, somatic tools, meditation, and journaling, all depending on what you need at the time of our coming together.

Sessions are held in the frequencies and pillars of unconditional love, non-judgement, compassion, and sacred space. With the support of the Seven Directions, Heaven, and Earth, we are able to work in ways that affect all time and all space in all directions, safely, and with Love.


The session begins with connecting over tea and hearing where you are at and if you have any intentions to share. We read Tarot and move through some somatic practice, inviting in your Spiritual Guides and Higher Self with any heart-wisdom and channeled messages. We then flow into a soft yet potent guided meditation, anchoring you to Mother Earth. Once in this liminal state, you receive beautiful healing ki through light, gentle, nurturing touch or distance if the session is virtual.

It is Gaby’s prayer that through our work together, you can soften into receiving your true essence, tuning into what your body and your heart instinctually know, and go forth from there with peace and oneness.

Looking for longer term support, explore Mentorship.

Gaby is currently an Herbalism Apprentice at The School of the Sacred Wild. Herbal remedies may be recommended, to support the healing process and connect more deeply to Self and Earth.

The Elements

  • Intuitive Healing Sessions are held in Gaby’s private studio on the Eastside of Los Angeles or virtually over Zoom. In person and virtual are equally as potent ~ Please note, in person sessions are currently closed.

    1 hr 15 min

    $240 in person / $165 virtual

  • The System of Reiki is the foundation for Gaby’s healing practice. One of the pillars of Reiki is Tenohira, palm healing. In a Reiki Healing Session, healing ki (energy) is shared between the giver and receiver, with the loving intention of shining our individual great bright lights within us all. As we move through life, our true self, our great bright lights, can become dimmed and blurred due to what it’s like to be a human. Reiki is a sacred spiritual practice of re-membering our most true selves, and with the practice of Tenohira, this occurs through gentle loving touch. The effects are subtle, harmonizing, and profound.

    Reiki is the essence of pure love and compassion. It is relaxing, sparkly, clearing, and allows the body, mind, and spirit to come back to homeostasis.

    Reiki removes the dust that settles on our spirits, polishing our hearts and revealing our true nature.

  • During a Tarot Reading, Gaby works with the traditional forms of the Major and Minor Arcana and channels your Higher Self, Spiritual Team, and Angels. She works in grounded poetic metaphor and provides gentle guidance that is not future-predictive nor imposes on your free will.

    If you are asking yourself, “How can I connect more to my intuition?”, or “What the hell is going on right now?”, or “Should I leave my job?”, or “When am I going to meet ‘my person’?” Tarot provides insightful perspective.

    Tarot to set intentions at the beginning of each month, or to open or close new chapters of life, is a proactive way to set yourself up for support.

  • Sun Sessions are a tool that Gaby developed in Summer 2023 as a loving space for bringing structure to the spiritual.

    We connect to your hearts desires and design logistics and rituals to support these visions into reality.

    It is one of Gaby’s deepest desires to inspire and to help guide you to creating your own juicy, magnetic life, full of presence, love, and joy. Where you trust your intuition and inner-divinity as Truth and connect to your own nature and Mother Earth, and therefore your magick in the world.

    This time is about connecting over where you are, what is coming up for you, and where you want to be / what you want to be moving towards. We intuitively create a 1-3 month plan to aid in these shifts all with gentle loving support and accountability provided.

  • Self-care, Healing, Meditation, Spirituality, PCOS, Intuition, Life changes, Manifestation, Breakups, Anxiety, Depression, Leaving job, Stress, Rest, Unhappy in life, Communication, Boundaries, Goal setting, Accountability, Self-expression, Becoming more in touch with your true nature and intuition, Connecting with your Spiritual Team, Folk herbalism

  • Guidance, Loving compassionate support, Resources and references, Big-sisterly advice, Tools, Product recommendation, Safe space, Accountability, Attunement and deep presence.

Mini Tarot Reading

During a Tarot Reading, Gaby works with the traditional forms of the Major and Minor Arcana and channels your Higher Self, Spiritual Team, and Angels. She works in grounded poetic metaphor and provides gentle guidance that is not future-predictive nor imposes on your free will.

If you are asking yourself, “How can I connect more to my intuition?”, or “What the hell is going on right now?”, or “Should I leave my job?”, or “When am I going to meet ‘my person’?” Tarot provides insightful perspective.

They are perfect if you have a question you would like support/guidance/action steps on answering, and also for quick clarity.

Tarot to set intentions at the beginning of each month, or to open or close new chapters of life, is a proactive way to set yourself up for support.

  • 30 min virtual sessions via Zoom


    These sessions are enough time for one-two questions. If you'd like a longer reading, consider an Intuitive Healing Session and write in the intentions upon booking that you would like to focus on Tarot :)

  • Gaby loves reading Tarot for birthdays, celebrations, and events.

    Email to connect.