A 10 week mentorship container where we co-create and receive your true essence. For sweeter embodiment, for sitting with the depths of our hearts, for feeling peace and trust within through your personal sovereignty, Reiki, and Mother Earth.

~ The other side of this space will look and feel different to how you began ~

Witnessing the longing for true intimacy with self/another/Spirit in sessions and in myself, I felt a craving for a space to do this deep life work together. It is a privilege and honor to support my clients through their journeys of transformation and out the other side, as with every contraction there is expansion (and vice versa!), and this is space for exactly that to unfold.

For You?

This process has been intuitively and lovingly created for you. If you find yourself wanting to deepen your relationships within yourself, Mother Earth, and Spirit, to feel the marrow of your life sensitively and to honor your innate beauty and power, this is for you. Through grounding and connection to Mother Earth, and channeling your Spiritual Team and the Divine, we come to knowing the sweetness that lives within your heart.

If you feel like you have been traversing the shadows in the dark and cannot see the light, I am here to hold your hand as you walk through the forest. If you are feeling like you are seeking fine-tuning, or curious about weaving sensuality, intuition, folk herbalism, mindfulness, and so much more into your daily life, this is for you, too.


Over these 10 sessions, meeting at the same time each week, we will connect with each other in the frequencies of Divine Spirit, Gaia, and the Seven Directions. With the crystalline support of the Seven Directions and Mother Gaia, I am grateful to hold space to channel for you and be a clear vessel for nourishment and deep presence. These are soft, intuitive spaces, and while the exact message cannot be known ahead of time, there is potent love and acceptance waiting to be received. Feeling safe, held, and witnessed are of my top awareness during our sessions.

~ there is space for all ~

As we connect and co-create each week, layers of trust are built within for you to surprise yourself in your responses (instead of reactions) as speed bumps naturally come up. Connecting over this larger period of time allows for us to hold the luminous and wild transformation that your heart is calling you to (that is, if you feel called). It is subtle yet profound.

This container is supported by many modalities, with the foundations being Distance Reiki, Tarot, and Sun Sessions ~ my recipe for bringing structure to the spiritual and integrating new habits and rituals. These sessions may include quantum healing, womb healing, guided meditation, herbalism, and text support (check in / voice note / send podcasts to each other, and have a giggle between sessions).

Sessions are 1 hr 15 min.

Week 1

Opening Ceremony and session, intentions and coming together

Weeks 2-9

Intuitive healing session with guidance, Tarot, and Distance Reiki

Week 10

Closing Ceremony and quantum healing blessing

Each of us has a Great Bright Light that lives within ~ our true essence, our inner Buddha Nature, our ancient heart-wisdom and compassion. As we move through life, experiences that act as lampshades cover our Light. Reiki dissolves these lampshades and easily allows us to return to our true selves. This is a pillar in this 10 week container ~ what darkness do we need to see to integrate and shine your light?

The impact I’ve seen over 10 weeks of consistent reception of Reiki, has been a more beautiful blossoming to witness than I ever could have imagined. Spiritual healing energy, ki, knows where to go because of the wisdom of your heart and your body; I am simply the vessel and the practitioner to hold the form.

It is my intention to walk beside you wherever you are, with loving awareness and presence, compassion, and truth.

One More Note

This is a sacred safe space held in the frequencies of unconditional love, compassion, and non-judgement. It is a place to resolve heartbreak, move through rock bottoms, step into new chapters, embracing and honoring your unique radiant Great Bright Light ~ to shine your true essence.

All sessions are held over Zoom for 10 weeks.

Investment ~ $2222

Four payments of $555 and payment plans are always available.