Kind Words from Clients

Gaby is an incredible healer. She has worked with me through some of my darkest moments with such grace and care, always knowing exactly how to guide me back to alignment. Her intuitive gifts are profound, and always lead me the to the tools I need. Her beautiful energy embraces you and it’s truly magic.

- Emily, Los Angeles

Gaby is a true professional and alchemist. The level of care and respect she holds for wherever you are energetically/emotionally in each session is so comforting. She provides a very safe environment for you to process whatever it is you need. She is clearly connected to source energy and will be able to guide you through whatever messaging she may receive. In our last session, I was so drained of energy after a lot of traumatic events that happened over the past year. In our reiki session she really focused on replenishing that energy with what she refers to as golden light energy. I have a very hard time receiving energy in my day to day. I am used to putting out more energy than I take in. I am so grateful to have been able to work with her in the times that I needed someone to help me realign my energy and replace it with goodness. I really needed it and I feel so much better!

- Mirella, Florida

I feel nourished and stabilized and in harmony with not only visions of my desires but all that I possess to bring them to life. Gaby does a tremendous job of making inviting and enlivening the space you share w her — my sun session felt like sitting down with an old friend; that in and of itself is a unique quality, but to grab hold of a proverbial hand and entangle your energy in such a way that says “I am here alongside you, but you are the one guiding the direction we go” is especially, wholly magnificent. She is special and she is bright, both the candle and its flame. To have been in the presence of her wisdom and her warmth was to come alive. I am full of gratitude and energy and ardor

- Mars C, Los Angeles

Gaby holds such a loving space that allows others to come back to themselves. I'm grateful for her holding me in a difficult moment and being there with me every step of the way. Her recommendations were amazing and resonated deeply with me. The tarot reading at the end was pure magic and beautifully brought together everything we talked about in the session. I'd highly recommend booking a session with Gaby if you feel the call!

- Brittany G, Vancouver, Canada

Thank you for holding such a loving and gentle space for me. This being my first reiki experience I was surprised at how gentle yet powerful it felt. It was so peaceful but also moved me to a very emotional space where I felt I could truly just release and let go. For the rest of the evening I felt myself just sitting in such a meditative stillness that felt so calm after weeks of feeling on edge and tense. Already can’t wait to book another session, thank you so much <3

- Kelsey B, Remote

Sun Sessions with Gaby are a beautiful journey into your internal landscape that will completely reshape your experience of the external world for the better. Gaby provided such a safe and soothing space to return to every time we met, every session felt like HOME. Like the gifted Healer she is, Gaby was able to hold a mirror to reflect back the most beautiful, loving, sparkly parts of myself, parts I didn't know were there all along waiting to be discovered. Not only that, she also allowed me to discover my own abilities to heal myself, from something as simple as realizing I like to write intentions via email, to something as deep as my own abilities to channel psychically. Sun Sessions reflect back your own light to YOU, all parts of you, all versions of you - and all deserve this loving light. 

Before signing up for Sun Sessions I had done a tarot reading with Gaby in June. It was a heart-opening gift that kept on giving, as in, many messages resonated in the moment of the reading, but then many more revealed themselves as the summer unfolded, always right on time. Her healing recommended remedies came in clutch. A cup of Nettles and a new romantic bathrobe later, I felt ready for more. And in divine timing, enter her new offering, Sun Sessions!

I felt called to sign up for the three sessions at the start, knowing a three-month commitment would be what I would need to build a bridge into what was to come. At the start, I didn't know what that was. I was in a period of big change: recently out of a long-term relationship, staying in a sublet that was coming to an end, and in the process of planning a global move.  When asked where I wanted to be in three months my mind was blank - I didn't know. So I walked into the first session wanting *answers*, and of course, walked out realizing I didn't need them. The first session revealed what I needed in this first window was trust, with myself, with my higher self, and in the Sun Session process with Gaby. 

Gaby had sent over her beautiful 40-day window plan that I ended up taking inspiration from in making my own template on Notion, which is a platform I used already as a hub for everything. Being able to adapt her plan, and have her support in that process, meant so much to me and it's a process I use to this day. My favorite part of the window-planning process was coming up with the collage, which over the course of the Sessions developed into a channeling-ritual, where words and images come up for me as I connect with my higher self. Also, her structure of a "window" of time was revolutionary because it made the period of intense change feel approachable. For me, the stages of growth were inherently built into the window structure, ie. a reflection period naturally came up by the end. 

The second session that followed was about a month later, nearing the end of my first window. By the second session my intuition was unlocking/unblocking with the new addition of Kundalini every morning and I had already set up my second window to be 58 days, paired with another channeled collage, and the theme of freedom. During this period of time while processing past trauma, while temporarily living at home, I felt like I was in mud, not stuck in mud. I wanted to feel free but I didn't know how. Gaby's response during session two: No mud, no lotus. I wasn't stuck in the mud, I was growing in the mud! Amongst other things, we did a grounding loving kindness meditation that is now a part of my daily ritual. I left the session feeling like I was glowing from the inside-out, and like the world was reflecting the glowing, loving light back to me -- this is a feeling I now experience almost every day. When I had returned to the chair I was sitting in during the session a couple hours later, I felt the charge of warm loving energy I had experienced before. This is also an awareness of energy in the physical world I hadn't been tapped into until then. I had written later that the session felt like a warm hug, like being held in a golden web of honey. A week later I had an impromptu visualization of turning into a lotus during my daily meditation.

By the third session, planned at the end of the 58-day window, I was ready to return to the first question we approached in the first Sun Session - where do you want to be in three months? In a visualization during the Session, some tangible/physical things were sketched in, like hey, there's a cat in my bed! - things that in the past I would have honed in on as the "answers" I was seeking about how I "should" be, but this time my experience was different. I experienced being so present in the visualization that after I came out with the deepest gratitude for the present moment I was already in. The incredible joy that IS the present moment that I tasted in the visualization, I felt NOW. I said aloud - I am HERE! I am now exiting Sun Sessions ready and rooted for my next window.

One of the most beautiful parts of this process is that by healing yourself now, you are healing every version of yourself. It doesn't always look like visiting your inner child, or having them visit you. It can also look like exchanging loving energy with nature, like brushing your hand through leaves as you walk by, or sharing a compliment with a stranger because you feel how we are all connected. Because for me, all of these experiences are expressions of me BEING me, and by doing that, there's room for everything to BE too, like all versions of myself or strangers I cross paths with. Life breathes more life, love gives more love. Sun Sessions show you your light and with it you SHINE inside-out, outside-in. 


More concrete changes. 

Before I was: feeling lost, alone, and not in touch-with my desires, stuck in the "shoulds", wrapped up in change, seeking answers in future plans, unsure of how to help myself

After I am: able to handle the emotions that come up with a calm nervous system, tapping into the present moment with deep love and gratitude, deeply connected to myself, to my higher self, and to all life <3, equipped with so many beautiful tools Gaby has shared, running a newly launched business, a woman, a witch, a psychic, in touch with more of my personality that was locked up - sassy, sexual, sensual ;), FREE, ROOTED, IN LOVE, ALIVE.

- Jacqui, NY, Berlin, Los Angeles

Thank you for providing such a safe, peaceful space to open up our session. I felt such a lightness afterwards - and felt so ready and empowered to start putting these habits into practice.

- Julia, Los Angeles

I was truly on cloud 9 for the rest of the day and still am now! I feel so inspired and empowered and can’t wait to begin incorporating these new practices in my life.

Your energy is absolutely magnetic and I feel so much gratitude towards you and your practice! The transformation I’ve seen within one week is just… I’m speechless I feel like I’ve unlocked a hidden secret to life.

- Catherine, Bristol, UK 

Thank you so much for this session. I am blown away by your ability to intuit and communicate the subtle messages within the body. I feel so grounded and overwhelmed with love after our session — my anxiety levels have gone from a 7 today to a 1.

Going to take all of your suggestions and apply them to my life! Thank you so so so much for holding space for me and being such a beautiful soul. You have such a gift.

- Maria, Los Angeles

I was really able to pay attention to what was present within myself…I just felt so good, I felt so clear, and I felt so centered. I already felt like I was integrating those feelings [from our session] into myself. A few hours out, I still feel that clarity. I really enjoyed our conversations together and just the overall service was 10/10.

- Ariel T, Los Angeles

Listen to her full experience in her podcast episode

Gaby’s guidance welcomed solace and surrender in every way for me — in a season when my heart so needed it. I arrived home after my tarot session and felt as if I could just trust fall into everything the Universe was bringing me. I’m so grateful for her intuitive, grounding, and divine feminine energy and the peace it renewed within me <3

-Carter N, Los Angeles

It was such a beautiful experience…I was able to walk on the trail at Griffith Park you suggested and it felt so nice to just be in nature and feel more grounded and present. Thank you so much, you have the most open and healing energy and i can’t wait to listen back on the session this weekend.

- Lindsay S, Chicago

Our session was super expansive. I loved how you approached the deck intuitively by pulling those cards at the back. My perspective on this sweet, sweet summer has shifted. . So much to say and will definitely share my experience! 

I also loved your newsletter and idk if you cast a magic spell on that Juicy playlist or something because it is so sparkly, filled with so much joy and immediately makes me feel so much love. I love it! Soundtrack of the summer, for sure. 

- Jacqui, New York City

Honestly, I’ve been trying to explain to people what that little meditation hike meant for me / did for me and I haven’t been able to put it into words.

- Jon Y, Los Angeles

[Before the session] I was tired and honestly questioning if it was the "right time" to do a session. 1000%. It was, of course, the right time. We asked the guides to tell us whatever needed to come through and it was a breath of fresh air. It really helped me understand that insights like this are not all about the doing, but sometimes the not doing and just the being and reveling in one's existence.

I love your energy so much. You are effervescent, warm and playful which is such a nice feeling all around. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and openness, too. Can't wait for a next session together!

- Ariel P, Remote  

Gaby is such a wonderful conduit for positive energy and healing, I felt such a profound shift after our session. She was so attentive, intuitive and lovely!

Gaby was so wonderful and thoughtful with her work! I felt very taken care of and she created a warm, professional environment. Would recommend her services to anyone who wants to work with the best!

- Hadley R, Los Angeles

Gaby is so naturally intuitive, and her energy is unmatched. I felt so calm and grounded during and after my session. Loved loved loved doing reiki with Gaby 🕊🤍

- Alexa R, Los Angeles

I would highly recommend anyone trying to deepen their alignment with self to book a session with Gaby. She effortlessly guides you into a meditative state where you are truly able to receive pure light energy and love. She is nurturing and kind and holds space for you to work through whatever you are dealing with. Her guidance and intuition are clearly very strong and Gaby is a wonderful being to connect in with on your journey to healing and discovery of self. One of the most powerful reiki sessions ever and a profound tool to realize all is within.

- Caroline, Los Angeles

I’m so glad I took my daughters advise after gifting her a reiki session with Gaby and booked an appointment for myself. I was so curious what it was that made my daughter return from her session with such a sense of calm that I almost didn’t recognize her. Before my session began Gaby’s presence alone was already so calming. She really has a special gift and I’m holding close the energy I left with following my experience. Thank you Gaby for bestowing your gift on me and the tips and insights you offered. My tool kit is being built and I look forward to returning for more time with you . 💜🕉

- Stacy W, Los Angeles

This testimonial is coming from someone who had no previous knowledge what reiki was. Every time it had been mentioned around me prior I had gained minor knowledge around it being vaguely centered to our chakras and energy. With that being said, I went in with an open mind on what I could’ve expected out of it. I had some personal life intentions that I wanted focused on, but beyond that I was open to the experience. Gaby is truly comforting and warm to be around. Trusting anyone in a vulnerable space can be scary, but those fears are eliminated when entering her studio. She walks you through the physical experience so you know what to expect before you lie down, which was nice being a 1st timer. I’ll be honest and say that it felt a little silly at first, but I started to really understand it once she focused her healing work around my throat. There was an indescribable energy/warmth to the area that felt moving and regenerating. The rest of the appointment was calming and healing as well though I wanted to highlight that after the reiki, card pull, and discussion with Gaby I felt incredibly relaxed and fueled with energy. I have noticed a different glow just in my face alone. The most notable experience I want to share was a couple days after. I had noticed a lot of feelings I had been holding back in my personal life were all coming out and being addressed in my interpersonal relationships (positively.) Sounds like TMI but I had wondered what had gotten into me lately, because it felt great to have this clarity accompanied with such an honesty. Reflecting back into the appointment days before I remembered feeling the amazing energy pull from my throat chakra. The conversations and spirit guide notes within the experience alone solidified my confidence in both reiki and my comfortability with Gaby, but I wanted to note that you will be leaving her sacred space with out the blockages you entered with. Thanks again Gaby for your care!

Over the years, I have worked with a variety of mental health and healing professionals, and I can say with confidence that Gaby+Almost Heaven Healing has been one of the most effective self-care resources I've ever had. I started working with Gaby+Almost Heaven Healing during a time in my life where I was going through a personal crisis and dramatic life transformations all at the same time. My life felt out of control, from my work-life balance, to my eating habits, to boundaries with relationships, to my inner dialogue. Gaby+Almost Heaven Healing helped me slow down, assess the situation, and begin to recenter, piece by piece. Through my work with Gaby+Almost Heaven Healing, I have learned that healing is not linear, and know how to practice self-love and set boundaries in a way I did not know before. I have a long way to go, but have come so far that I look forward to the challenges ahead, and am unafraid of them. I know that I now have the tools and support to live a more sustainable, balanced life; I'd encourage anyone who is looking for this to reach out to Gaby+AHH.

- Eden M, Chicago

One session with Gaby melted my stress away! Her work is super grounding, and I left with the best vibes that lasted all evening and into the next day.

- Erin S, Los Angeles

My long distance session with Gaby exceeded all of my expectations. I had never done Reiki before and was definitely skeptical, but the session made me feel so connected to my body. I felt tingly all over and saw shapes and colors with my eyes closed, it was groovy! I struggle with disassociation and trauma, so this was ultimately very healing. Can't wait to book with Gaby again!

- Nina, New York City

I am a reiki rookie. Not knowing much going in, Gaby did an incredible job during our session of both guiding me and making me feel comfortable. She has a magical healing energy! I cannot recommend her highly enough and I look forward to working with her in the future. Thank you, Gaby

- Anna W, Los Angeles