Remembering our true nature.

Pillars Of Practice


Sacred Space



Gaby Azorsky is a Reiki Master, meditation practitioner, intuitive guide, folk herbalism apprentice, and student of life based in Los Angeles, California.

1:1 Sessions Consult

1:1 Sessions

Intuitive Healing Sessions are the vibrant compassionate container for 1:1 single sessions. Each session is divinely guided by the wisdom of your heart and by our Spiritual Teams coming together in our sacred container.

This space is gentle, soft, warm, feminine, and compassionate. After years of offering different types of sessions ~ Reiki, Tarot Reading, Sun Sessions ~ almost each one ended up being a combination of all three modalities and practices.

Each session has spaciousness for receiving Reiki, Tarot guidance, and designing logistics and rituals to support your visions into becoming reality.

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The Flower Portal Consult

The Flower Portal

The Flower Portal is a heart-led monthly membership container held in the frequencies of unconditional love, compassion, and non-judgement. This is a safe, sparkly, nourishing, potent, joyful, immersive, and sensual space.

The Flower Portal offers a way to connect with Gaby that is most accessible and wide-reaching outside of one-on-one single sessions and mentorship.

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Mentorship Container Consult

Mentorship Containers

If you find yourself wanting to go deeper within yourself, to connect more to Spirit and Mother Earth, to feel the marrow of your life more deeply and to honor your strength and power, this is for you. If you are feeling like you are seeking fine-tuning, or curious about weaving sensuality, intuition, folk herbalism, and mindfulness into your daily life, this is for you, too.

This container is structured with many modalities, with the foundations being Distance Reiki, Tarot, and Sun Sessions ~ my recipe for bringing structure to the spiritual and integrating new habits and rituals. These sessions include quantum healing, guided meditation, and herbalism.

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  • Gaby provided such a safe and soothing space to return to every time we met, every session felt like HOME. She allowed me to discover my own abilities to heal myself... Sun Sessions reflect back your own light to YOU, all parts of you, all versions of you. 

    Jacqui, New York

  • I was really able to pay attention to what was present within myself…I just felt so good, I felt so clear, and I felt so centered. I already felt like I was integrating those feelings [from our session] into myself. A few hours out, I still feel that clarity. I really enjoyed our conversations together and just the overall service was 10/10.

    Ariel, Los Angeles

  • Gaby is a true professional and alchemist. The level of care and respect she holds for wherever you are energetically/emotionally in each session is so comforting. She provides a very safe environment for you to process whatever it is you need. She is clearly connected to source energy and will be able to guide you through whatever messaging she may receive.

    Mirella, Florida





Spiral Deeper

Gaby is the host of Spiral Deeper, a podcast and place to nourish deep conversation and connect over the paths that we wander, that shape us like rocks in a waterfall to being who we are.

It is with the loving intention that these conversations inspire, soothe loneliness, elevate consciousness, gently open hearts and minds, deepen our inherent connection to Earth, and create space for sweetly vulnerable and oceanic conversations to occur “off screen.”

I feel nourished and stabilized and in harmony with not only visions of my desires but all that I possess to bring them to life. Gaby does a tremendous job of making inviting and enlivening the space you share w her — my sun session felt like sitting down with an old friend; that in and of itself is a unique quality, but to grab hold of a proverbial hand and entangle your energy in such a way that says “I am here alongside you, but you are the one guiding the direction we go” especially, wholly magnificent.

Mars, Los Angeles

Templates To Create

Create your own 21, 40, or 90 day plan, alongside a monthly and weekly guide, to design your dream life one day at a time.