Newsletter - 8/7/22
Intro ~
Hi sweetie pies <3 gosh I just love writing to you. I had a really important and restorative healing session for myself with one of my teachers since we last spoke. I keep receiving the guidance from my guides/angels that I need to let go / surrender / that I’m micro managing the universe. and I know that I am. But I don’t know HOW TO LET GO. What does that even mean?? Then in the healing session this mantra came through for me: What if, I just let things be what they will be? Immediate release in my heart and shoulders, my arms relax open, I am truly in a state of receiving. I am in awe of what the right mantra (or phrase or intention) can do for you in the right perfect Divine moment. I continue to repeat this to myself in meditation and throughout the day, and each time I come back to this neutral remembering of my natural state of being. Peace.
Lesson Plan ~ Staying cool in the summer heat
I love how my rituals and habits throughout the day change depending on the season. Adapting with the season allows us to be in tune with the cycles of Mother Earth and therefore our bodies <3 how beautiful is that. Like for example, for about half the year I take a warm bath before bed each night, and for the other half I take a cool shower each morning. There was a day mid-June that it was hot going to bed and waking up, and I thought to myself “yay! time for cold morning showers!” I laughed that it brought me joy at the thought of rinsing my crown with cool water first thing waking up.
I love to make big batches of iced herbal infusions and teas. This summer I am loving jasmine tea, chamomile, rose tulsi, and nettle of course. I also am loving going on early morning nature walks before it gets too hot, and runs to end my day as the sun begins to set.
Though we also need to “stay cool” emotionally as through Cancer and Leo season there is fire and feelings swirling around. Using breath work and EMDR practices when I need to hold space for myself in moments of overwhelm are key. The other night I heard a loud noise - it was just my neighbor packing for his trip to Europe - but I really startled me. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my belly in circular motions with deep deep breaths to self soothe, and again deep breathes with one hand on my heart and one hand on my belly. You can also put one finger in the middle crevice of your ear and with very gentle pressure make circles; this activates your vagus nerve which signals your body to go into parasympathetic mode (rest and digest) instead of fight or flight. These are little tools that you can do in the subway, in the car (parked), on your lunch break, or just when you get home from a long day to help shift your energy from go go go to rest play rest rest.
with heaps of love and gratitude,
Spark ~
I am loving taking my morning nature walks listening to these podcasts ~ The Balanced Blonde, Almost30, Soundfood, Expanded Podcast.
Making vision boards :)
~ thank you thank you thank you ~
* see you next week, sending you beams of Reiki love through the ethers from my heart to yours *